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Aidan Saunders

Courses Taken:
Carpentry and Joinery Level 2 Apprenticeship
Dallam School
Years Studied:
2016 - 2019

My biggest accomplishment so far has been passing the tests that come with the theory side of my course.

What are the best things about your course?
I enjoy learning new skills in a practical setting.

Why did you choose your course?
It is something I have been interested in since a young age and felt that a career in this trade was right for me.

Why did you choose Lancaster & Morecambe College?
It was local and seemed the best option for my course that I’d like to do.

What would you say to someone who was thinking about doing the course?
Carpentry and Joinery Apprenticeship is a great career path to take.

What has been your biggest accomplishment whilst studying at LMC?
My biggest accomplishment so far has been passing the tests that come with the theory side of my course.

What do you hope to do when you’ve completed this course?
Continue in a career in joinery or the construction trade.