Alumni Stories

Many of our students progress to the world of work or higher education, read our Alumni stories to find out where our students went after College.

Alemayehu Fikade

Alemayehu Fikade

Courses Taken: AAT Accounting Level 3, ESOL, Functional Skills Maths & English
Years Studied: 2022 - 2024

LMC emerged as the perfect fit for my academic journey as they offer a program that seamlessly transitioned me from my functional skills studies into an AAT Acounting qualification. The knowledge I gain from studying this course is very valuable as it allows me to build a strong foundation of knowledge as well as handling my practical skills.

Daniel Stainer

Daniel Stainer

Courses Taken: Leadership & Management Level 5, Operations/Departmental Manager Apprenticeship Level 5
Profession: Regional Director at Westmorland Homecare
Years Studied: 2022 - 2024

Everyday is a learning day, never underestimate your own abilities and just go for it! Since completing my apprenticeship, I have been promoted to a Regional Director for possibly one of the best care companies in the UK, that's a big achievement!

Beccy Whieldon

Beccy Whieldon

Courses Taken: Access to HE
Years Studied: 2023-2024

I was out of education for 24 years and it was just so daunting the idea of studying again. Don’t be scared to give it ago and have a chat with the college and make that first point of contact. Once you’ve done that you feel like it’s doable. The course is challenging but manageable if you commit to it. Ultimately, I wouldn’t have been able to progress in to University without it.

Caitlain Woods

Caitlain Woods

Courses Taken: Business Administration Level 3
Profession: Administrative Assistant
Years Studied: 2022-2023

I really enjoyed the project aspect of my apprenticeship, as I got the chance to work on an area of the business which previously I didn’t have anything to do with as part of my day-to-day role. As a result of this I learnt a lot about the project area and worked with new colleagues from across the institution. Writing my project report and presentation helped me to recognise the progress I had made and the impact the project had on the institution, as well as identify the new skills I learned.

Tanya Roberts

Tanya Roberts

Courses Taken: Biology, Maths

My advice to anyone thinking of studying GCSE Maths or GCSE Biology would be to go for it! No matter your situation the College is always there to help and it makes it an easy environment to learn in.

Melissa Butcher

Melissa Butcher

Courses Taken: Level 3 Public Services, Level 5 HND Public Services
Profession: Prison Officer
Years Studied: 2016-2020

I really enjoyed how it was a lot less strict than school, the tutors were amazing and friendly and they made the lessons fun and interesting.

Thea Jones

Thea Jones

Courses Taken: Hairdressing Level 2, Theatrical & Media Make-up Level 3
Profession: Hair and Makeup Junior
Years Studied: 2014-2017

I would say to anyone wanting to start a career in Hair and Makeup within the Film and Television industry if you are serious and committed to it then go for it! It is an extremely competitive and fast paced environment but if you are willing to put the work in you will be able to do some amazing projects, travel and progress artistically. 

Bernie Foy

Bernie Foy

Courses Taken: GCSE English, Access to HE Diploma
Profession: Pursuing a career in nursing

Because of my age I never thought I would be able to do GCSE English and Maths again. Michelle and Barbara were absolutely amazing, they were so patient and gave me the help and encouragement I needed to believe in myself.

Hope Morgan

Hope Morgan

Courses Taken: Public Services Level 3, English GCSE

My experience with resitting in college couldn’t have gone better, and if there is anyone who may have to resit at LMC in the future here are my tips:

  • If you give 100% so will your tutors
  • Make the most of the lessons as they go very quickly leading up to the exam
  • Don’t be scared! The tutors are tutors for a reason and they are amazing at their jobs.
Jade Mashiter

Jade Mashiter

Courses Taken: Hospitality & Catering Level 2 and Level 3
Profession: Café Worker at Bay View Garden Centre
Years Studied: 2015-2018

Do it, apply! If you want to work in the hospitality and catering indsutry this course is for you, you learn skills for life. My career wouldn't be possible without the course.

Bobby Bleasdale

Bobby Bleasdale

Courses Taken: Access to HE Diploma
Profession: Midwife
Years Studied: 2017-2019

It’s all thanks to the course I took and my amazing tutors, that I now have my dream career! I would highly recommend the course to anyone wanting to go to university, without the Access course I would never have had the opportunity as I only had 1 GCSE when I left high school.

Bethany Blundell

Bethany Blundell

Courses Taken: Access To HE
Profession: Student Midwife
Years Studied: 2021

Laura was amazing, she was so supportive with assignments but also with my university application. It got me back into studying again and I learnt how to write academically after 10 years without studying.