Offer a Work Placement

Offer a Work Placement

Work Experience is an insight into working in industry, where students will have the chance to step into a work place to develop knowledge and transferable skills. Work experience opportunities are available to all students at Lancaster & Morecambe College.

Offer an Industrial Placement

Industry Placements are a new and innovative way to enable students to develop their skills and knowledge in order to get a head start in their chosen career, whilst supporting organisations within the local community.

Working together, we will match students with employers for a minimum of 315 hours or 45 days, over the course of the academic year. Students will use the skills they have learnt in College and continue to build their confidence, and develop their knowledge.

How do they work? 

Learners would meet with their Placement Co-ordinator to discuss their preferred organisation; the Placement Co-ordinator would contact the employer to discuss the possibility of a placement opportunity and create a placement that suits both the provider and the learner. Following this conversation, the learner would contact the placement provider to ask any questions and discuss a start date.

Work placement for Fabrication & Welding student

Benefits to your organisation

  • Help to nurture the next generation
  • Explore new ideas with the student as they currently train in the industry
  • Extra resources for your business in day-to-day operations
  • Inspire and support the next generation
  • Enable your employees to develop their management skills through supervising a junior member of staff
  • Cost effective recruitment once the student has completed their qualification

What support will I get from Lancaster & Morecambe College?

  • We would support you every step of the way by making sure students are ready to be productive members of the team
  • We would support you with planning the objectives of the placement
  • You would have a named contact to call with any issues/concerns 
  • You could arrange workplace visits to check how the student is getting on, which will offer a chance to develop a rewarding partnership with Lancaster & Morecambe College

What will students need to do?

  • They must attend placement
  • They would be accountable to the workplace Line Manager/Supervisor who will expect them to meet professional standards such as punctuality, communication and teamwork
  • Students must adhere to the organisation’s Health & Safety policies and procedures

Will students need a lot of support and take up a lot of my time?

Lancaster & Morecambe College would ensure that students are ready for placement, by completing work related learning before they start and make them aware of the demands and expectations of the workplace.  Therefore after an induction period, students could become a productive team member.

Will students be making cups of tea and photocopying?

No, Industrial Placements are about providing technical and sector specific skills and spending time with an employer in their chosen career.  By working alongside an employer, students can work on projects to gain the experience they need.

Do I pay students on Industrial placement?

There is no legal requirement or expectation to pay students, however, if you wish to pay a student or contribute towards the cost of travel or subsistence costs, you can after discussions with the Placement Co-ordinator at Lancaster & Morecambe College.

What hours will students be expected to work?

In order for the student to gain experience, they will be expected to work between 6 – 7 hours per day, at your discretion.

What you will have to do for an Industrial Placement

Working together, we would design a placement that would benefit your business and work towards teaching students the skills that you would look for in an employee.

The work environment must be safe and we would discuss your Health & Safety arrangements and insurance which would cover the student whilst on the placement with you.

The student would need a Line Manager/Supervisor for support and to provide appraisals whilst on the placement.


Offer a Work Placement

Work placements offer an insight into working in the industry that relates to the course that the student is studying, helping them to develop their knowledge and transferrable skills.

Depending on which course the student is enrolled on, they will have an opportunity to complete 30 or 50 hours of work experience, applying skills that are more apparent to the workplace. Please contact the Placement Co-ordinator for further information.

Contact us

For further information about offering an Industrial Work Placement, please