Chloe Emslie

Courses Taken:
Health & Social Care Level 3
Years Studied:
2019 - 2021

The best part of my course has been the placement opportunities, there are so many places in the local area that offer amazing placements and I’ve been lucky enough to work with three separate employers – they have all been brilliant!


Chloe chose to study Health & Social Care Level 3 at Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC) because she was looking to gain experience in working with service users and employees within the sector; an opportunity that LMC offers to all Full Time students. Chloe describes the focus on industry placements as a key factor in her decision-making process when comparing College to sixth form.  

Alongside studying Health & Social Care, Chloe resat her GCSE English Language exam in November 2020 and was hoping for a grade 4 so that she could apply to universities. Chloe actually achieved much higher than what she originally aimed for: 

I had been working towards achieving a grade 4 for the last three years, the fact I achieved a grade 6 feels amazing.

When elaborating, Chloe explained that her tutors at College had been supportive throughout her time studying for GCSE English Language and were always on hand to explain any questions, mark her work and offer any feedback on how to improve her answers.  

Not only has she seen an improvement in her English Language skills, but Chloe has also experienced personal growth through studying Health & Social Care, gaining confidence in both working with service users and independently, and now considers herself a better team worker.  

During her course Chloe has particularly enjoyed her work placements: 

The best part of my course has been the placement opportunities, there are so many places in the local area that offer amazing placements and I’ve been lucky enough to work with three separate employers – they have all been brilliant!

Chloe explained that she has enjoyed the less formal structure that LMC gives students, as this has provided her with a mixture of in-class and independent study opportunities. She also noted that the tutors are always friendly and easy to talk to if she has any queries about her work.  

When asked what advice she would give to somebody considering studying Health & Social Care Level 3, Chloe said: 

If you want a job within the Health & Social Care sector, this is the best course for you – it fully prepares you for your next step; whether that’s moving on to university or starting full time employment. The course helps you gain industry knowledge as well as improve communication skills for working with a range of service users.