Storme Sutherland

Courses Taken:
Travel & Tourism Level 3
Central Lancaster High School
Years Studied:
2019 - 2021
Entertainer/Bartender at Haven Holidays

When working at Haven, not a day goes by where I don’t put the skills College taught me to use. I have my tutors to thank for believing in me and helping me achieve the position I’m in today.

Storme Sutherland realised her dream career during her studies on the Children’s Play, Learning & Development Level 2 course at LMC, which she originally enrolled on to help gain confidence in a new environment as well as to explore if Childcare was the industry for her. 

Within her first year, Storme drew a clearer picture of her goals and decided to work towards becoming an entertainer; something which the Travel & Tourism course focuses on in-depth. Storme was nervous about a change in course but experienced a smooth transition, stating:

My Childcare tutors knew the course wasn’t right for me and so helped me massively to move from one course to another, they got me well acquainted with the Travel & Tourism tutors which helped so much when settling in. I couldn’t be more grateful for the faith my tutors had in me as soon as I started my new course.

Storme spent a year studying Travel & Tourism Level 3 and particularly enjoyed getting creative in lessons, especially when tasked with planning activities related to her passion, such as entertainment programmes. 

Storme now works at Haven’s Lakeland Leisure Park ensuring that visitors are provided with a holiday they’ll never, in a safe and fun environment. Storme has made great progress with her confidence and her dream career is now in arm’s reach, after being given a position as an Animation Host at Reighton Sands

Storme explained she developed many key skills during her time as a student, including; communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability:

My tutors taught me the importance of these skills and the difference they can make to customers, using them has really helped me with my role. When working at Haven, not a day goes by where I don’t put the skills College taught me to use!

In addition to skills building, her tutors also supported her course professionally, by helping her as she searched for and obtained work in industry:

Knowing that I wanted to enter employment in 2021, Amanda and Gemma helped me every step of the way, teaching me in-detail about the tourism area I wanted to join, preparing me for my interview and making sure I completed my coursework. On top of this, while I looked for industry work they helped me secure a part-time role working on the Covid-19 testing site at College.

When asked what she would say to someone considering studying Travel & Tourism Level 3, Storme said:

Go for it! Travel & Tourism Level 3 and the support from tutors is amazing and can lead to so many different roles within the industry, and of course, experiences of a lifetime.

I have my tutors to thank for believing in me and helping me achieve the position I’m in today.