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Eden Bear visits Lancaster & Morecambe College

Posted: 26.06.2023

Over 10 days Eden Bear explored different curriculum areas and looked at how the areas linked to the Eden Project Morecambe and its values. The visit supported the Morecambe Bay Curriculum, so that Eden Bear could look at how the college helps young people within industry sectors to learn about sustainability, and the local community, to help prepare them for jobs of the future. 

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Eden Bear visited the Health Training Ward on campus. He learnt about why it is important to have a healthy body and mind, and how to empower your own health. Eden Bear learnt about all the different job opportunities within healthcare in our local area and how important it is to take care of the health of people who live in the Morecambe Bay community. He really enjoyed chatting to the patients as he was looking after them!

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Eden Bear visited the Construction campus. He had a ride on the working at heights platform, it was a bit scary, but he was very brave! From up high he could look down at all the sustainable practices in the department including hydrogen ready technology to develop the boilers of the future, retrofitting, insulation, and electric vehicle charging. Whilst in the air, he could see Morecambe Bay! It looked beautiful!  Eden Bear also had the opportunity to drive the new electric digger. He even sat in the bucket!

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Eden Bear visited the Learning Den, to find out about the Child Education industry. He learnt how valued the children are in our local community, and how important it is that they have a voice and are listened to. Eden Bear planned activities that would support the children to learn about sustainability. He explored the resources that children could play with, that were obtained through the Don't Ditch It project through Lancaster University. This will definitely help reduce the number of items sent to landfill. It was fun to play in the Den!

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Eden Bear visited the college allotment and the bees. In the garden he learnt all about why it is important to care about the future of the planet and be sustainable about growing fruit and vegetables locally to help feed the community. With the bees, he found out that one out of every three mouthfuls of our food depend on pollinators such as bees. He also went to look at the compost bins and heard about how it reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill and reduces the impact on the environment. 

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Eden Bear visited the Sport department. He really enjoyed playing football with the students, and they taught him about why it is important to exercise and keep fit, and all the ways we can enjoy being active and healthy in our local community, including all the lovely walks around Morecambe Bay. He had the opportunity to be the goalkeeper, and managed to save lots of goals!

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Eden Bear visited the Hair and Beauty department. Whilst there he had an opportunity to have a few relaxing treatments. He was very impressed with how pampered he was!  Whilst visiting The Salon he learnt that it is part of the Green Salon Collective, which allows them to become more ethical and create a sustainable environment. When having his fur washed, he found out they use shower ECOHEADS, which use less water and that the make-up applicators have been swapped to bamboo and contain no plastic. When he had his 'furcial', the beauty team told his all about the environmentally friendly skincare products they now use. 

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Eden Bear visited the Animal Care campus. Whilst there he held a snake and helped feed the animals. He really enjoyed how the snake's skin felt. It was very smooth! When he was on the high platform, he could see the doggy day care area, where all the dogs play.

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Eden Bear visited James, a pastoral mentor in student services. He learnt about how they help keep students safe at the college and how support students' mental health and offer strategies to promote this. 

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Eden Bear visited the Travel and Tourism department. Here he learnt all about sustainable carbon neutral travel and why it is important. He helped serve the drinks on the airplane, and how to open the aircraft door. It was very heavy! When he is older Eden Bear said he would like to work at the Eden Project Morecambe and help the local community learn all about the natural environment of Morecambe Bay, wellbeing and connections with the natural world. He also looked at the Eden Project Morecambe model that is on display at the College, and this really inspired him!

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Eden Bear also visited the Business curriculum area. He found out about the exciting new T-Levels on offer at the College, and how these will support learners to develop high quality knowledge, skills and behaviours to be able to be excellent employees in industry or go onto University. He had to answer several important phone calls. He even rang the Principal to tell him what a fantastic time he was having at Lancaster and Morecambe College and how much he had learnt in the curriculum areas.

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Thank you, Eden Bear, for visiting us here at Lancaster and Morecambe College. We really enjoyed having you here and hoped you enjoyed meeting all the staff and students and enjoyed visiting some of the curriculum areas.

Please come and visit us again!