Reon Reid

Courses Taken:
GCSE English
Sir Thomas Botler (Warrington)

My tutor made the lessons fun. I really miss playing the game Taboo as it really helped me develop my vocabulary. I didn’t find the preparation for exams stressful as the content of the course was well organised, explained and delivered. I was given information about mock exams in plenty of time so I always knew what I was working towards and what I needed to improve on. My tutor always made time for me and provided many opportunities for extra revision.

Did you study Functional Skills English or GCSE English Language at LMC?
GCSE English. I studied 2 lessons a week alongside my course.

What grade did you achieve?
I was really proud to have gone from a grade 2 to a grade 4.

How did LMC help you improve your English skills?
I became more confident with general English concepts, using more sophisticated vocabulary and using more advanced skills in my Level 3 assignments on my vocational course. I disliked English at school and found it really tough but LMC helped me to change my mind about my own performance. I learned so much more about the English Language at college than I ever did at school.

What are the best things about the English courses at LMC?
My tutor made the lessons fun. I really miss playing the game Taboo as it really helped me develop my vocabulary. I didn’t find the preparation for exams stressful as the content of the course was well organised, explained and delivered. I was given information about mock exams in plenty of time so I always knew what I was working towards and what I needed to improve on. My tutor always made time for me and provided many opportunities for extra revision.

How is your English qualification attained at LMC helping you pursue your career plans?
I feel that I can apply for a wider range of jobs. It is such a relief that I can put a grade I am proud of on application forms.

Which specific English skills do you feel you have most improved?
I am more aware of the different writing styles required for Level 3 work. My confidence in the English Language is so much better and I don’t feel like I am underperforming anymore. I am producing better quality assignments and I am certainly more confident with speaking in front of an audience. I am more certain of correct punctuation use and I can proof read for spelling and grammar errors which I didn’t do at school.

What advice would you give to someone who is studying English at LMC this year?
The tutors know what they are doing. Trust them; listen to them and they will help you improve. I am proof that people can be successful in a subject that they find hard. Also, don’t be afraid to be creative, it really helps with writing skills.

Any other comments?
The effort I put in to all lessons and extra revision practice was really worth it. I improved by two grades in one year thanks to Fiona and the English team at LMC. This is something that I really didn’t think was possible for me. I’m very happy with my GCSE English result.